The following is a brief list of the elements that make a more complete solution to your premature ejaculation problems. The following 4 pointers are the key areas of most premature ejaculation causes and when approached holistically and treating them all at once, you stand a far better chance than trying to pinpoint the specific one or two reasons for your problem and solving them independently, one at a time.
The 4 key elements of a successful premature ejaculation solution are listed here:
(1) Exercises To Alleviate Tension And Stress!
One of the most prevalent causes of premature ejaculation in males is a simple case of Anxiety. Anxiety and Stress / Tension is a major contributing factor towards premature ejaculation in males. To overcome this problem, a sufferer can attempt relaxing exercises of some kind such as Yoga, Meditation or even just some quiet resting time! If you can relax your body before sexual activity, it will often lessen the anxiety and tensions you feel in your mind as well. This tip should help in most cases, whether it is the main cause of the problem or not. A relaxed body will promote a relaxed mind, which in turn will lessen the effects of fear and anxiety affecting your sexual abilities.
(2) Pelvic Muscle Workout Exercises!
The PC Muscle, or more precisely, the Pubococcygeus Muscle, is located at the base of the pelvis and hangs like a hammock passing around the prostrate gland and the anus before attaching to your coccyx at the base of your spine. This muscle is responsible for the control of urine flow and bowel control and also can be manipulated to control ejaculation. This form of exercise is called Kegel exercise, after its creator, Dr Kegel.
There is debate as to whether Kegel exercise actually does more harm than good, however, this is unscientifically founded across a general field of sufferers, and seems to affect mostly specific cases.
The reason that Kegel exercises can help you in premature ejaculation is because the tensions of everyday living are stored within the muscles. This can be observed when we know we are about to have an accident of some type and we quickly clench our eyes and often our abdominal muscles and legs and arms even before the impact or accident happens. The same as when we sneeze, it is common to clench ones fists. This is the tension being stored within the muscle and being acted upon by unconscious impulse.
Once you begin to train your PC Muscle by practicing Kegel exercises, you may find that you come across a short period where your problem appears to be worse, but this is in actual affect, a similar effect to that of healing after a major workout, or even working out a twisted ankle so that it does not get stiff and even worse. The pain and the apparent worsening of the injury is actually a sure fire way to tell that you are healing. It is the same with working with the PC Muscle.
Another effect that you might observe from exercising your PC Muscle is that you will find an increase in the flow of blood to your penis and that you are now starting to achieve much harder erections that last much longer. However, here it is fair to warn, that if you begin to experience pain or swelling, you really must talk to your doctor about it and also take a rest. Approximately 3 minutes after breakfast and after dinner every day, is more than enough to see results within a couple of weeks.
(3) Learn about your problem!
This is probably one of the most important and fundamental of all the elements and is probably all you need to overcome your problem, depending on your particular circumstances. When used in conjunction with one or more of the other elements, this one, will lead you towards a cure quicker.
So what do you need to learn before you can start to understand what your problem is and how bad it is. A common example here, is when men will believe that they have premature ejaculation because they cannot go for half an hour without ejaculating. When in reality, 15 minutes is an average time for most people to last for. So you should learn not only how to determine whether you have premature ejaculation problems, but also, if you do, how bad are they!
You should also be completely aware of what is happening to the body as you are making love and heading towards, during and also, after ejaculation. The body follows a pattern that you can observe, and by observing your body’s actions and reactions, you can understand when you are becoming vulnerable and close to ejaculation.
By understanding the natural stages that the body goes through as it enters ejaculation, you can learn to recognize when you are getting close to ejaculating and thus be able to either slow down the pace, stop altogether and go back to oral until you are ready to start thrusting again, or employ any number of the other control techniques available.
(4) Stopping your ejaculation before it hits!
As discussed in the step above, once you can recognize that you are about to enter your ejaculation period, after which point there is no way to stop the oncoming ejaculation, whether a premature ejaculation sufferer or not! So how do you stop that ejaculation before it hits
There are many solutions to help you solve this problem. Once you have recognized that you are approaching ejaculation you can try one of the following techniques or you can search for and attempt any of the number of good techniques across the internet.
The first technique I would recommend that you try would be the following. As you are approaching your ejaculation, you could pull out of your partner and engage in oral sex to continue her stimulation and also heighten it by changing the way you are stimulating her, this giving yourself time to lessen your senses before entering your partner again.
Another technique that I know of is the tapping technique. Although I cannot personally vouch for this technique, I have heard of it achieving success for other people. If you would like to learn more about the tapping technique simply watch the video below:
Well, that ends today’s post but be sure to check back soon for another post in the next couple of days. As a thank you for reading this post, I am going to inform you of a great little website. Although not related to premature ejaculation, it is a great little resource that everyone should know about. It is called Giveaway Of The Day, and yes as the name implies they give away something every day. Each day this site offers a piece of commercial software, absolutely free, so what’s the catch? The catch is that if you don’t get to the site today to download the free software, that you will never see that piece of software offered free again, so be sure to check it every day. Just click the link below. Also remember that a lot of these pieces of software will also need to be installed on the day they are given away free, to obtain the free license.

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