Monday, April 21, 2008

Premature ejaculation...prevent a disaster in your relationship!

Copyright © 2008 Ted Crawford

Premature ejaculation is a rather common, yet rarely discussed problem. It occurs when a man orgasms during intercourse sooner than he or his sexual partner would like resulting in embarassment a lot of times and leaving both individuals unfulfilled. It can occur from before penetration or just after penetration. Premature ejaculation is rarely caused by a physical or structural problem. Most commonly, it is a result of overstimulation or anxiety.

Abnormal physical findings are rare and more insight can usually be obtained by interviewing the couple involved. Many times, the root of the problem maybe uncovered and steps taken to improve the problem.

Methods to improve the conditon are many. Practice and relaxation can many times improve the problem. Men may try to learn to distract themselves by thinking of non-sexual subjects to avoid becoming excited too fast. Examples include thinking about the upcoming football game on the weekend or what new movie can we go to next. Sounds funny, but merely shifting thoughts away from the current task will many times help.

Medications can help delay ejaculation. Serotonin reuptake inhibitors like Prozac, Zoloft, or Paxil may be helpful because they all have a common side effect of prolonging the time it takes to achieve ejaculation. Clomipramine 25 mg prior to intercourse has also been shown to help significantly. Local anesthetic creams may be applied to the penis to decrease stimulation. Decreased feeling in the penis may prolong the time before ejaculation. Condom use may also have this effect on some men.

If all of these methods fail, an evaluation by a sex therapist, psychologist, or psychiatrist may be helpful for some couples. In most instances, a man is able to obtain ejaculatory control through education and practice of the simple techniques outlines above. Persistant premature ejaculation may be a sign of depression or a serious anxiety problem, both of which could be helped by psychiatric evaluation and intervention.

A persistant problem of ejaculatory control may lead to sexual dissatisfaction on the part of one or both partners and can lead to discord or sexual tension in a realtionship. In a younger couple wishing to start a family, this problem can obviously affect the chances of fertilization and pregnancy.

If the above measures do not help, call your physician to set up an appointment to discuss medical treatment. I also highly recommend the following as it has helped many with this problem. I have goten very positive feedback from my patients who have purchased this treatise on the subject and the cure.

Dr. Crawford is a family practice physician. Visit his blog on this subject at and his Web Site at

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